Paul J. Millea
Dr. Paul Joseph Millea is a Family Practitioner at the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group in the Washington, D.C. area, as an Integrative Medicine specialist. In practice for 34 years, his primary patients come to see him for issues involving musculoskeletal pain. “Thanks in large part to all the pharmaceutical advertising on the internet and on television, people with conditions targeted by the ads often believe that new medication is the one they need,” Millea says. “But oftentimes there’s a healthier, holistic solution to a medical condition – either through acupuncture, mindful meditation, manual therapy, or homeopathy. I like to try the natural alternatives as a first course of action.” In addition, Paul is often part of a care team, where he offers nutritional approaches for patients suffering from cancer and diabetes.
While his Irish roots are in County Kerry, Paul was born and raised in Rapid City, South Dakota. He graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 1984, completing a residency at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. He is also a medical contributor to the U.S. News & World Report website.
Paul cares for his patients in an old-school style, unhurried, looking at the body as a whole, and taking into consideration the physical, environmental, spiritual, nutritional, emotional, social, and related factors that may be contributing to the patient’s medical issues. Says Paul, “Seeing a patient achieve pain relief and a better quality of life is, for me, the greatest reward.” ♦