All of America was waiting for the heroic return of Air Force Captain Scott O'Grady, plucked from Bosnian Serb territory on June 8th, but O'Grady wanted to make one quick stopover -- at Shannon Airport, in the west of Ireland. "Ireland is my second home," O'Grady, aged 29, told reporters after touching down on Sunday morning, June 10. "What a thrill this is. I consider myself … [Read more...] about Hero Pilot Visits His Irish Cousins
Proudly We Serve
September 11 has become this generation's "Day of Infamy." The terrorist attacks forever changed the way we live, and have made our daily lives more difficult. A secure environment can no longer be presumed. Some post 9/11 changes, however, have been positive. Is there anyone who doesn't now have a greater appreciation for our police and firefighters, or greater respect for … [Read more...] about Proudly We Serve