In the 16th century Elizabeth I was Queen of England. Spain and England were at war, and their armadas stalked each other on the open seas. Certain Irish sailing captains who swore allegiance to neither nation raided both fleets for profit. Some called them pirates. Some called them heroes. One became a legend. Her name was Granuaile. Grace O'Malley. Pirate Queen. Many tales … [Read more...] about Bid Thy Guests Welcome Though They Come At Any Hour
irish food
Sláinte! Eat Your Veggies
While most people think of Ireland as a nation of “meat and potato” eaters, vegetables and dairy products are also a vital part of the Irish diet. One of my favorite Irish proverbs concerns Ireland’s most famous vegetable: “Be eating one potato, peeling a second, have a third in your fist, and your eye on a fourth.” For me the adage implies: Always have a back-up … [Read more...] about Sláinte! Eat Your Veggies
Sláinte! Patriotic Potatoes
are Perfect for Summer
In the early days of the American Revolution, a number of battles took place in New England eventually causing the British to flee their Boston stronghold. The flight took place on March 17, 1776. George Washington was commander in chief of the colonial forces. His password for the day was `Saint Patrick.'
I stumbled on that fact a number of years ago, and it has never ceased … [Read more...] about Sláinte! Patriotic Potatoes
are Perfect for Summer
Sláinte! The Hedgerow Harvest
Recently I had an opportunity to visit Kauai, The Garden Isle of Hawaii. While pouring over tourism info prior to leaving LA, I noticed a place that locals are so proud of it's marked on maps in red. Tiny letters named it a `tree tunnel.' Anything special enough to be highlighted always piques my curiosity. The spot was close by the airport, so as soon as I picked up my rental … [Read more...] about Sláinte! The Hedgerow Harvest
Sláinte! Oats:
The Original Comfort Food
Call me crazy, but oatmeal cookies have never had a spot on my favorite foods list. They're too sweet. I prefer my oats prepared in such a way that I can really taste the full nutty flavor. I even enjoy eating them by the dusty flaky mouth-gumming uncooked handful. That taste quirk may be a result of genetic memory. My father's father, his father, and many of the other male … [Read more...] about Sláinte! Oats:
The Original Comfort Food