New York Official Uses Investment Power to Promote Human RightsPatrick Doherty recalls one of many St. Patrick’s Day parties on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, where his parents met, and his grandparents still lived when he was young.“The parade in those days ended at 96th Street. So, each year my grandmother basically invited the whole parade back to their apartment,” … [Read more...] about Hall of Fame: Patrick Doherty, The New York Official Who Uses Investment Power to Promote Human Rights.
Hall of Fame: Powerful Business Leader Promoting Inclusion & Diversity, Eileen Murray
March / April 2020 By Darina Molloy
What does the next chapter hold for Eileen Murray, one of the most senior women in the financial services industry – someone who has made a career out of breaking barriers and redefining expectations? Last December, she announced that she would be leaving her position as co-CEO of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund, at the end of March, a position she has … [Read more...] about Hall of Fame: Powerful Business Leader Promoting Inclusion & Diversity, Eileen Murray