Brian O’Malley
Brian O’Malley was appointed president and CEO of Domino Foods, Inc in 2001. His career in the sugar industry started in 1982 when he joined the accounting department of Amstar Corporation, the former parent company of Domino Sugar.
Brian holds an undergraduate degree in finance from Glassboro State College and an MBA in finance from Rutgers University. He is vice chairman of the Advisory Council to the Grocery Manufacturers Association and was president of the International Sugar Club for 2008. He resides in Middletown, NJ with his wife Maureen and their three children, Erin, Michael and Kevin.
Brian is a first-generation Irish American. His father’s family hails from Knocknahila and Clare, and his mother’s family has roots in Waterford and Galway. Brian says, “As an Irish Catholic, my father taught me about the sanctity of the mass, about the responsibility to work hard and the importance of leadership in the family, at your business and in your community.”