It is difficult to define or to encapsulate Judy Collins in under 2,000 words. Ironically though, perhaps just two words can provide an insight into this remarkable woman’s activism, career, and song choices: they are, “amazing grace.” Everything Judy has done in her long and varied life have shown ability, creativity, tenacity, and – grace. These two words also happen to be … [Read more...] about Hall of Fame: Judy Collins Singer, Songwriter, Social Activist
Songs of the People
Tom Russell's folk-rock album bears witness to American immigrant history.Singer and songwriter Tom Russell is a man of many worlds. Born in Southern California, he has led country music bands that played honky-tonks in such far-flung locales as Vancouver, Canada's skid row and Oslo, Norway, traveled as a carnival entertainer in Puerto Rico, and taught criminology in Nigeria. … [Read more...] about Songs of the People