The Ford family name has several possible origins. Its Anglo-Saxon roots can be traced back to Devonshire, where the name derived from the topographical term “ford,” meaning “a shallow place where water can be crossed.” However, this term originally comes from the Norse “fjord,” meaning a narrow inlet of sea. Therefore, the Ford family name is also thought to be Viking in origin. Several Irish cities represent this Viking influence—Longford, Waterford, and Wexford. It is also believed that Ford became the anglicized version of several Gaelic clans.
One Ford link is found in the MacGiolla na Naomha and the MacGiollarnath clans of Connacht. It is believed that these Gaelic surnames were erroneously anglicized due to the ending sound of ‘ath,’ which translates to ‘ford’ (i.e. Baile Atha Cliath: “town of the hurdled ford”). The MacCosnamha clan of Co. Leitrim also adopted the surnames Ford or Forde. Another region where the Ford or Forde family was found was Cork. Here, the O Fuarain clan anglicized their name to either Foran or Ford.
One of the greatest directors in film history was John Ford (1894-1973). Born John Martin Feeney to parents John Augustine Feeney of Galway and Barbara Curran of Inishmore, he moved to Hollywood with his brother and changed his last name to Ford. He worked with many Irish actors, most notably Maureen O’Hara and Barry Fitzgerald. Ford is remembered for famous westerns, such as Rio Grande, and classics like How Green Was My Valley. One of his beloved films was The Quiet Man, which served as an homage to his Irish heritage.
The Ford name in Hollywood is also synonymous with actor and producer Harrison Ford. He once stated “I feel Irish as a person, but I feel Jewish as an actor.” He was born to parents Dorothy Nidelman, of Jewish descent, and Christopher Ford, of Irish-Catholic and German descent. He is best known for his work as Han Solo in the Star Wars films and as the lead in the Indiana Jones films.
Whitey Ford is a name of significance for any baseball fan. Born Edward Charles Ford to parents of Irish descent, he grew up in Astoria, Queens. He was signed to the New York Yankees as a pitcher in 1947 and earned the nickname “Whitey” from teammates for his blond hair.
Richard Ford is one of America’s greatest fiction writers. He is best known for The Sportswriter, Independence Day (which won the Pulitzer and PEN/Faulkner awards) and The Lay of the Land. He has written several short stories, including “Leaving for Kenosha,” in which his own migration story from New Orleans in the wake of Katrina can be compared to his Irish grandparents’ emigration in the 1890s.
In fashion, the Ford name is well recognized due to Jerry (1924-2008) and Eileen Ford, founders of the Ford Modeling Agency. A year after its establishment in 1946, it became one of the top agencies in the business.
The United States has also seen a Ford as Commander in Chief. Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006) was the 38th President of the United States. He was not born a Ford – originally Leslie Lynch King, Jr. – but legally changed his name to Gerald R. Ford, after his stepfather. Ford was appointed vice president by Richard Nixon in 1973 and assumed the presidency in 1974, following Nixon’s resignation. He remained in office until 1977. His wife, Betty Ford (1918-2011), was one of America’s most candid first ladies. She was an advocate for women’s rights, abortion, breast cancer awareness and addiction awareness. She helped establish the Betty Ford Center in 1982.
Finally, the Ford name is eternally associated with industrialist Henry Ford (1863-1947). John Ford, Henry’s paternal grandfather, was born in Ballinascarthy, Ireland. Ancestrally, the Ford family was English but settled in Ireland during the sixteenth century. John Ford was forced to leave Ballinascarthy with his family, including 21-year-old son William, in 1847 at the height of the Famine. They made the difficult journey to Queenstown, Canada, and William’s mother, Tomasina, did not survive. John settled his family on a farm in Dearborn, Michigan. William helped his father with the upkeep of the farm. Eventually, he met Mary Litogot. The two married in 1861 and gave birth to their first son, Henry, in 1863.
Henry Ford’s Irish heritage instilled in him a strong work ethic. He became an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company and after successfully building his first car in 1901, he established the Ford Motor Company in 1903. After introducing the Model T in 1908, the company took off.
Ford remained interested in his Irish heritage. He traveled to Ballinascarthy in 1912, and attempted to purchase his ancestral home, but the price was too high. Still, he bought the original hearthstones and incorporated them into his estate at Fair Lane, in Michigan. Ford would make several trips back to Ireland, including one to Cork in 1917 when he began Henry Ford & Sons, Ltd., the first international division. William Clay Ford, Jr., Henry Ford’s great-grandson who continues his legacy, appears on the cover of this issue. He is the 2011 Business 100 Keynote Speaker and the most recent inductee of the Irish America Hall of Fame.
hi before my great gran died she told my gran her dad was john ford i don’t no if its true or not but i am trying to research my family tree when did ford start there garage in hackney if you can please help me clear this up
thank you hope to here from you soon
Hi, I am also a great x3 grandchild of John T. Ford. Granddaughter to Frank M. Ford. Would love to learn more about my ancestry.
To Holly
You may be referring to the John T. Ford who owned Ford Theater. He had a brother named Frank and another named Harry C. Ford. This John T. Ford knew John Wilke Booth and helped Booth’s acting career. Frank, Harry and George Ford, brothers of John T. Ford, had all resided at one time in Rutherford NJ
Actually you are reading too much into ford name. Its a English name and English ford families moved to Ireland. So Harrison Ford isnt from Irish or Viking stock. Hes English. Many English families colonised Ireland ( mainly northern protestant Ireland ) Many many “Irish” people are actually from English stock.
Daniel, what are you basing this counter to the information listed here? Do you have any links for this or just opinion?. First off “English’ is not a race so any person born in Ireland is actually not English at all but Irish. That being said, the Ford’s have been noted in Ireland since the 14th century. This undoubtedly is cause for many, many Ford’s being of Irish roots and Irish blood (celtic). As a matter of fact, if you were to look at immigration documents from Ellis island that were recorded, there were more Ford’s from Ireland than England that immigrated.
I’m a Ford viking! My paternal YDNA is “young scandinavian” R1a (L448).
We have a small dna project called FORY at with FORD family (male & female), hope you join. Have you had autosomal test also? GedMatch (free!) will find you some cousins. My dna says 4% Viking
I will join.
I will join. My autosomal test said 35% Scandinavian but went down to 8% after the recent update.
My dna says 42% Irish plus another 30 some “United Kingdom” which makes sense since some lived Scotland England and it’s impossible to sort it out.
We are from north Co Mayo, some are still there. Kilcummin Parish (Rathlacken) and Balina.
I will look at your matches Jeff and see if I notice anything. Also, pls upload your file to which is free. when you match they will tell how many generations back to your ancestor in common.
During famine years many fled Mayo if they could, and moved to other parts of Ireland, also Scotland, Canada,, US (mainly to PA, MD, NY) for jobs, many in coal mines; in England most to Lancs but some families to York, jobs were mainly Liverpool.
I am a Ford Too but I don’t think i know you
Where you from?..I’m trying to do my Ford family tree…didn’t get to know much about because my father passed when I was young and most of his family is in Oaklahoma. Missouri, Alabama..etc ..they came from mainly England, Ireland etc..
Hello, I’m a Ford from the Buffalo, NY area. I always knew I had Scottish ancestry on my mother’s side but shows apparently the Fords are from Cork County Iteland
What are you on about? Most Ford’s are English in ancestry. The English are an ethnic group with a common culture, history and way of life just like the Irish and have been an ethnic group at least by 7th century if not earlier. Ford is found in lots of English place names well outside Viking areas Hereford ring a bell? Its likely Harrison Ford saw themselves as Irish as they lived in Ireland a long time but werent necessarily of Gaelic stock. If Harrison Ford goes back far enough he will find English ancestors. English people have been living in Ireland dince 8th century and before
It’s also Irish you genuis
Hi Jason, my maternal grandfather is Christopher Ford married Catherine Mitchell (her mother’s maiden name Susan Malone) in Liverpool circa 1920. My maternal ancestry is Munster which covers County Cork. If you know anything about Christopher Ford who died in the Bronx, NYC in the 1920s much obliged.
On a technically basis most irish are L21 R1b on male lines this is the same male line as a large percentage in Wales, England and Scotland so actually arent a separate race just related brothers. There is little difference between most people genetically in British Isles. Other Irish are U106, I2a2 etc again shared by people across Britain and Northern Europe.
Spot on.
My ancestors on my father’s side migrated from northern England (via Glasgow) during the mid 19th century. The Ford surname is apparently relatively common (maybe I should say somewhat more common) in Northumberland, Devon, Somerset, W. Sussex, and Dorset (see Wikipedia)). As far as frequency for this name goes, it’s somewhere in the vicinity of being the 124th most common surname in the UK and approximately the same ratio in the US. (see In the late 19th century it was evidenced to be throughout England, Scotland, and Wales and doubtless at a similar ratio in Ireland, probably a little higher in Northern Ireland, considering historical realities. There’s also the reality of the anglicization of Gaelic surnames which happened probably mostly as a result of the differences in spelling between those Gaelic names and English pronunciation. Certainly there can be more nefarious reasons as well
Obviously, there’s a lot of fluidity because of marriage, migration and other population movements, particularly within the British Isles over the millennia. So, the Ford surname, along with perhaps most other surnames, can have numerous origins depending on specific individual backgrounds. Apologies for pointing out things that you’re likely already aware of- I just think it’s important for everybody to be aware of how much our names have ‘interacted’ over the centuries (and our genes over millennia).
I know very little about all of this. 23&me traces my
Ancestry to county Mayo. I met a gentleman in Birmingham in 1998 whose last name was ford and he said he traced his family back to county Mayo, the spelling he gave me was Mac Giellamael
❌ INCORRECT. The article clearly states that several family names for changed from the original Gaelic to “Ford” which YOU have overlooked.
Before there was a England, it was Ireland and Vikings who made up England learn your history so his ancestors were Irish and Vikings
I’m from Galway City, Ireland. My mother Marian is from Ballyglunin, County Galway. I took her surname, Forde, as my biological father left before I was born. I was born in 1978. I have lots of relations in the Northeastern United States….but alas, I don’t know them, as my mother and myself are estranged from our family here…Irish families huh!!?
My grandpa was john Joseph ford born1878 came to the states ending up in exxex county mass.I think he had a brother Patrick if anyone knows more of my family’s history please contact me
Hello – My great great grandfather was James Patrick Ford. He came to New York City from Ballina Slough in the West of Ireland. His wife died. He had two daughters Mary Ann Ford and Delia Ford. Mary Ann immigrated after her father. Then Adelia immigrated – on a sailing ship she was about 12. She was at Ellis Island in NY City for two weeks before her father James Patrick Ford came to get her. She was born in Ireland in 1854 so her father may have been born in Ireland before 1834. They moved to Michigan from New York. Adelia (my great grandmother) married a Stuart – they had three children – Ford Stuart, Nevada May and Mary Etta Stuart, my grandmother. This family from West of Ireland might be related to James Patrick Ford who was much older that John Joseph Ford born in 1878, My mother was born in 1903 in Michigan. They always said that they were distant relatives of Henry Ford – a Michigan farmer, as they were. Funny thing is pictures of Henry Ford look just like my Grandmother and her brother “Ford Stuart.” He was known to me as “Uncle Ford” slender, with the straight eyebrows and straight lips – it is an amazing resemblance in body structure and facial characteristics. GOOD LUCK !
Cool to read this. I’m James Christopher Ford and from a long line of James Fords. I’m looking into my roots because of all the musicians named James Ford. I’m a musician as well. I’m from and live in the US. I have a ultra rare disease that only affects Scandinavians of both gender and African women. I’m interested in my genealogy and would love if you had any I fo for me. Thanks.
You and I may be related. Many of my ancestors were in Essex Co, and Suffolk Co. In Mass, USA. If you think about it, we are all cousins after all. Best to you!
Hi, I am also looking for more information regarding my ancestry. The story that has been told by my mother and granny is that the Ford family is of Irish decent and that there were some trouble with the churches, (its been a while and Granny passed away so i cannot ask her anymore) they travelled by ship and a woman died during the voyage. (i am not sure if it was William or Isaacs wife) so one of the brothers disembarked in South Africa (again i am not certain if it was at Cape of Good Hope or in Durban)…The Ford family set roots in Durban and Pietermaritzburg and the other brother left for America (would have been William from whom Henry was born)…from Isaac the family tree skips a few steps and then Edward Ford marries Emily Risley and they have 8 children one of them being Alfred Thomas Ford who has a son called is Joseph Ford. Joseph Ford is my great grandfather, but records show that he only had one daughter Esme, my mother knew him well and recognised his photo, but my grandmother was Emma Lauretta Mavis Ford. My mother knows of AN Esme but she does not know where she fits in. Can anyone help me out? Am i missing a part of the puzzle?
What is the source for the etymology connecting Ford from the Norse “fjord”? I have never heard of this before.
I’ve heard of this and read about it in my own research for years.
The Vikings came to Ireland a very long time ago and had settlements. It also reflects in my DNA.
I am looking for information on Andrew Jackson Ford b. Apr. 20 1815 Tennessee. and his wife Sarah Catherine Hall. Thank you, Bonnie
My maiden name is Ford. My father was born in Detroit, Michigan in the early 1900’s to Clarence and Nancy Ford. I recently had my DNA Analyzed and found out that I am 13% Irish. I also just recently visited Ireland and fell in love with the country. I am fairly certain that I have roots in Ireland and am looking to gain more information.
Mine as well. I have an ultra rare systemic disease that only affects Nkrdics and also Africans.
I’m a direct ancestor of Henry Forde and was wondering if that was Henry Ford’s last name in Ireland and was shortened to Ford. They did that to a lit of people at Ellis Island.
Henry Ford that founded Ford cars was from Irish and my direct sprayer was from Ireland and in the 1300s was named Henry Ford’s Forde and I was wondering if anyone knows if they dropped the e when cooking through Ellis Island like so many people did?
I am looking for information on John S Ford Jr. Could be Dredge Ford. B. 1800 Lincoln Co. N C. Died before 1840 prob N C. His wife was Matilda. They are my 3 great grandparents.
Ron McCormick. 703-928-2105.
My Fords are in Alabama
Henry Ford in his book the International Jewish, implies he is part of what he referred to as the “Anglo Saxon race” for whatever that’s worth. It should make little difference anyway, as in genetic studies of the Anglos and the Irish show little very differences and are negligible. They have much more genetically in common than those from outside of the British Isles regardless of the squabbles and troubled history caused by government
great grandfather Matthew ford donated a stained glass window in a small catholic church in north adelaide Australia. his son was Nicolaus ford married to maryann Nicolson and their son ,my father was joseph matthew ford . anyone related?
Very cool. Most of my family are in Eastern Tennessee..don’t know much before that.
Searching for Patrick Joseph Ford. Born 1861 county Galway. Cane to Bostin, Mass around 1885. Married Delia Bridget Hanmore in 1893 Children -John, Francis, Ruth, Michael, Henry. Ruth married Jacob Molet. Please contact me if you have any information.
My paternal grandfather was a Patrick Forde from Gort, Galway. Immigrated to San Francisco in 1906.
I have family info on the Ford’s of Baltimore Maryland. This family was not Irish but has direct roots back to England. Family was settled in Maryland by 1660 or before.
I would be very interested. My ancestors were from Somerset England.
I Have a Henry Michael Ford, Sr 1715 VA who is my 6th Gr Grandfather. Is there a connection here?
contact me by email. I might be able to help you
I am looking for information on a William ford who married lettitia. They migrated from Maryland to rockbridge virginia to Monroe Virginia now called Monroe west Virginia.
I don’t know the time frame you are searching for, but Revolutionary soldier John Ford died in Monroe, Va (now WV). He had served from Montgomery Co MD
Michelle: I have a lot of information on John Ford, Am. Revolutionary soldier, who came from Maryland to Rockbridge, Va. to Monroe County Va. now Monroe, WV. I cannot find that he is related to my Foards. My grandfather, William Foard, was born in Rockbridge, Va. He came to Monroe, Va. now WV and Married Nancy Lively. He lists his parents as William Foard and Lettita Foard. I can find no record of William’s and Lettitia Ford’s marriage.
HI , my grand mother was Susanne Ford , she died giving birth to my mother.Her Family also came to America back in early 1600’s. Her father and some before was Stepehen Hyland Ford.
I would be interested if you have any information related to them back in England
John Schaefer
I was on the son’s of american revolution website. I am sure I found a Stepen Hyland Ford listed on SAR appplication. If not it may be
On these sites I found some of my ancestors on the applications.
Carol Brewster
Hello, Patricia. I’m Michael Ford, a descendant of the Fords from Harford and Cecil Counties in Maryland, going back to Richard Ford (1674-1733) of Ford’s Landing in Cecil County, where he arrived in 1696.
I have a lot of data about Richard’s descendants, but I cannot figure out who his father is (with documentation) or how a 22 yr old single guy got a plantation there. Lots of data on that has no supporting documentation, but mostly stuff like an entry on a passenger list for 1684; a 10 yr old traveling alone?
Anything you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Also, I’m happy to share what I have as well.
My Ford family begins with Richard Foard (Ford) 1674-1733 of Cecil County, Maryland. His descendants moved to Harford County and became my people in the Aberdeen, MD area. If that sounds like your folks let’s talk.
Hello there my grandfather was born England hull Yorkshire so I’m quite sure when I visited jorvick tour York that Vikings settled there and my great grandmother on my mother’s side her parents surname is breen and that’s Irish I would love to know which part of ireland their from how can I do my ancestry the correct way and not be lyied to ?
I am looking for information on a William ford who married lettitia. They migrated from Maryland to rockbridge virginia to Monroe Virginia now called Monroe west Virginia.
My granny was born 1924 her last name was Ford . She was in England she was in the brush army
My third great grandfather was Jeremiah “Jerry” Ford from County Cork, Ireland. He was born @1825. He had brothers William and Cornelius that we know of so far. His parents were John Ford(e) and Mary Driscoll. I am desperately seeking any further information on the rest of the family back in Ireland, and exactly where in Cork they were from. They were very much Roman Catholic, and all ended up in Toledo, Lucas Countt, Ohio by 1860, where the families remain to this day.
Any help would be very much appreciated! I e been stuck at this brick wall for a couple years now. I did just do my DNA with Ancestry and would love to partake in your Ford DNA study! Please contact me:
Henry Ford had some tin and board, the board he nailed, the tin he bent, he gave it a kick and off it went
I can trace my Family to John Ford Sr. He died in union county arkansas . He was born in about 1798 but I don’t know where at.
I can trace my Family to John Ford Sr. He died in union county arkansas . He was born in about 1798 but I don’t know where at. He had a son. John Ford Jr. They came from Alabama in about 1842.
Hey Chad. I’m looking into my family history and read your comment. I’m From Arkansas. My grandpa was James Ford as well. I’m wondering if you have tied us all together and where it leads. I have a ultra rare disease that only affects people of Nordic desent and also Africans.
My grandpa was also named James Ford and he was from Arkansas. His middle name was Henry and he passed away in 1973 in Muskogee, Ok.
Ford is not from Old Norse. It is Anglo-Saxon in origin. All the other Germanic tongues have similar related words, as Ford is common to all Germanic tongues (the modern Norwegian word is Fjord). But the Old English word was already in its lexicon and was not borrowed from Old Norse.
Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse were kindred tongues and almost mutually intelligible, demonstrated by the Anglo-Norse community in northern England, and both languages had many similar doublets, that have often survived side by side in English to this day: Ditch/Dyke, Church/Kirk, Shall/Skill, Shab(by)/Scab, etc.
Is this webpage trying to write English out of the story of the word Ford?? A bit petty really. Hatred of the English is certainly a great impetus for the rewriting of history.
I’ve been investigating my Ford bloodline for a Year and have tons of documents. I started a group on fb called. — Ford Sons Genealogy DNA family ???? William Thomas Ford is my Great Grandpa . In my group I’ll share my story and I’ll be happy to help anyone I’ll also share all the fraud involved in covering up our Ford heritage.
My name is Tim Ford. I’m an eighth generation descendant of sea-captain William Thomas Ford, who is buried at Ciderbrook Cemetery in Avon Connecticut. I’d like to know more about his origins, his service in the British navy, and his early death in August 1763. I already have his wife’s family history in the King Phillip’s war but know nothing of his story in the French and Indian war except that he died at the close of the war shortly after making his last will and testament. If you’re willing to share your research I’d love to see it. Thanks
I am a Ford Too but I don’t think i know you
My name Ford has been a resident of Frederick County MD but I have no clue where they originated. Frederick County has quite a few Fords but I was always told that our family had roots in the Yellow Springs area but I don’t know how or when they located there. My grandfather’s name was Norman P. Ford. His father’s name I’m told was John. If anyone can give me any info please contact me. My grandmother’s maiden was Mary Susan Kinna from Middletown MD. My goal is to get some info that can fill me in on my grandmother as she passed before I was born and I am trying to fill a void about her. As a youngster I never pains any attention and never asked question about her. My dad passed and I have no way to follow my search!
Hey Jim. I’m James. I’m wondering also. If you have any info please let me know. I’m from Arkansas. Grandpa was James as well. I’m told very very many James ford’s in my family. Many musicians as well. I’m also a musician. I’m looking into all this. If your board and into music read about all the james ford musicians. Pretty cool.
I’m the last eligible living Ford descendent of my Family in Gresham, Oregon USA. Live alone in my own home and looking for a sensible Catholic lady to enjoy life with. Fish, hunt, cycle, walk. Hike. Camp.
Wishing you well in your quest. I am descended from Ford in Tennessee. Haven’t been able to trace them back further….
MacCosnamha is normally Mac Con Samha or Mac Conshnamha by the way. Many anglisoced to Forde rather than Ford too.
Hi My name is Kelly Forde, I am from Co. Cork Ireland. My fathers people came from Somerset in the UK, and settled in Ringaskiddy Cork they were butchers, pub and shop owners. I believe the E was added to the end of the name somewhere down the line. I am so curious if Henry Ford is my ancestor > Open to connect with any fellow Fordes my message resonates with!