The 16th Annual Concern Worldwide Spring Run was held in New York’s Central Park on April 12th and raised approximately $200,000 for the Irish-helmed international humanitarian organization. More than 100 teams participated in what was the largest turnout in the run’s history.
The money raised will go to support Concern’s poverty-elimination programs in 26 of the world’s most impoverished countries in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East. Put in physical terms, the annual run, which is one of Concern’s major fundraising benefits, raised enough money to purchase desks, chairs, pencils, chalk, and a blackboard for 10,000 students. Alternately, it is also enough to provide 12,000 delivery kits and offer training for as many birth attendants.
Winners of the fundraising challenges included PWC & Friends, who won the Corporate challenge raising $22,476, Professor Thom’s bar, which won the Pub challenge with $10,720, and Joan Carroll, who was the top individual fundraiser, bringing in $17,580.
Combined, Concern’s numerous programs reach more than 6.9 million of the world’s poorest people with humanitarian aid and long-term solutions to poverty.
Concern’s Annual Spring Run Raises $200K

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