The I.A.B.A. of New York hosted its annual Wild Goose Awards in April, honoring three lawyers for their creative endeavors outside the field of law: Colleen McMahon (second from left), chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and a singer/ songwriter who penned five original verses to the classic Irish song “The Parting Glass;” Kelly T. Currie (center), a partner at Crowell & Moring who served as senior advisor and media spokesman to Senator George Mitchell in the Northern Ireland peace process; and Russell “Rusty” McGranahan (second from right), general counsel at Focus Financial Partners and avid marathon and ironman athlete.
“The Wild Goose Awards originated from the notion that the Irish have a unique ability to pursue the good life, even in the harshest of times, with creative outlets like music, poetry and dance,” awards founder and Limerick native Janet Walsh (right) says. “Lawyers can be considered a little dry and honoring our legal wild geese through showcasing their talents, passions, and pursuits is very humanizing. The honorees let down their guard and display a side of themselves that is deeply personal and I believe genuinely Irish.” ♦
Wild Geese Honored by Irish American Bar Association

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