The Rocky Mountain Irish Roots Collective welcomes Ken McConnellogue, Vice President for Communications at the University of Colorado on Thursday, May 20, 2021, to present Amelia Earhart’s Best Flight which will look at Earhart’s experience in Ireland.
On May 21, 1932, Amelia Earhart became the first woman (and second person) to fly the Atlantic Ocean solo. She was aiming for France but instead landed her damaged Lockheed Vega in a pasture outside of Derry, in the north of Ireland. McConnellogue’s mother, then an 11-year-old schoolgirl in Derry, joined the throng that trekked up from town to see the famous aviator and celebrate her historic flight. Part history, part memoir, the program examines a daring and courageous journey by a woman who still fascinates the world, as well as a modern-day journey of opportunity from Ireland to America by a family typical of the Irish diaspora.
Join the virtual event on Thursday May 20 at 6:30 pm MST on Zoom.
May 21st is a Friday so is the program on Thursday or Friday?
Sorry for the confusion on the date, the event is on Thursday evening May 20th at 6:30 pm MST.
I’d like to “attend” this Zoom event.