One hundred and fifty years ago, members of the Fenian Brotherhood sought to force Britain’s hand by creating disturbances along the Canadian border. The raids failed, but they led to an unexpected outcome in 1867. OTTAWA, Ontario – It was civil warfare, with some almost comic sidelights, and it might have been lost in the mists of time but for a discovery in the attic of … [Read more...] about 150 Years: The Fenians and Canada
Fenian Raids
The Fenian Invasion of Canada
Irish veterans of the American Civil War launched attacks on Canada in an effort to win independence for Ireland. It was 4 a.m., but the men of the 17th Regiment were wide-awake. They'd encountered no opposition crossing the water, and they expected little trouble trouncing the enemy when they came face to face. They'd been waiting for this moment for a long, long time. … [Read more...] about The Fenian Invasion of Canada