Bad Sisters Described as "a delicious blend of both dark comedy and thriller, “Bad Sisters” follows the lives of the Garvey sisters who are bound together by the premature death of their parents and a promise to always protect one another." Protecting one another means that they will use any means possible to get rid of their abusive brother-in-law John Paul (named for … [Read more...] about What are you Watching?
News Roundup July 16, 2022
Emily Moriarty
IA Newsletter July 16, 2022
IA Newsletter July 16, 2022
Sparks Fly in Northern IrelandPhoto: Getty ImagesUnder heightened police presence and tight security, Northern Ireland's Orange Order members marched through Belfast City for Tuesday's Twelfth of July celebrations. The Orange Order parades celebrate the Battle of Boyne on July 1, 1690, when William of Orange, also known as King Billy, defeated the army of Catholic King James … [Read more...] about News Roundup July 16, 2022