Locals and fans from around the world are rallying on the Facebook social network to renew the dream of seeing “The Quiet Man Cottage” restored to its former cinematic glory as it appeared in the 1951 movie The Quiet Man. Today, the structure is barely recognizable as it lies in shambles.
For Paddy McCormick, from Belfast, this dream began in 1998. As an ardent fan of the movie he began what he termed a “pilgrimage” to visit the film sites. He was delighted to find most of the areas just as they were on the screen. Unfortunately, his dream trip fell short when he found the once romantic cottage of Sean and Mary Kate in total shambles on a neglected farm lot. He decided to try to do something to restore the cottage. He made two vows: (1) to make the cottage exactly as it was at the time of filming, and (2) to make sure that it would not be exploited for purely commercial purposes, but serve as a historic part of Ireland and a tribute to the legacy of John Ford. Maureen O’Hara, who starred with John Wayne in this John Ford film masterpiece, said, “Ireland is the star of this film.” Winton Hoch, gifted cinematographer, used his skills to capture the Emerald Isle in its Technicolor panorama for all the world to see.
Paddy is in the process of setting up a non-profit foundation, which hopefully could buy the site, restore the cottage and make sure that any money generated from visitors to the site would be used to manage and maintain the site in perpetuity. He contacted heads of Irish government, but unfortunately the one stumbling block is the American owner’s unwillingness to sell the property. Paddy had pretty much given up on his dream until Facebook and several other parties with the same mission surfaced.
They are now combining their efforts to bring national and global attention to this historic mission. Paddy has registered the “White O’Morn Foundation” and with the help of supporters, continues to move forward. It is everyone’s hope that Maureen O’Hara, who offers encouragement to these efforts, can see this happen in her lifetime.
Links to more information:
I’m definitely on board with this Project and endorse all that June has said in this Article. InterestinglyPaddy McCormick andI both seem tohave ‘Caught the QUIET MAN BUG’ in 1998
I heard somewhere that a lot of the stone from the cottage made its way to America via tourist suitcases!!!
I was in Cong this past June, and was most disappointed the the actual cottage was not accessible or in tact!! Shocked! That is one of the major points/plots of ‘The Quiet Man’ the “White O’Morn” cottage that Sean Thronton had such fond memories of! That’s what brings him back to Ireland! I would really love if their could be restored, especial as you say, in Maureen’s Lifetime!
I certainly hope they are able to bring it back to its former glory. The film is a must see for me at least once a year.
I believe it is so important to have the cottage restored where it is. From I was young I have been fascinated with the film. I have been in Cong a number of times and the countryside just brings me back, and I just stand and recreate the scenes in my head, picturing all the wonderful actors who walked the same ground. Amazing.
its about time, the best irish movie ever made, by one of the best directors,
My son Ryan and I sought out the cottage when in Ireland and where very disappointed that it had fallen onto hard times. We both want to help.
Great article, June. I visited Ireland and the Quiet Man sites in 1986.
I would love go back and see the cottage restored!
We at the White O’Morn Foundation, U.S.A. strongly support Paddy McCormack’s efforts to see White O’Morn restored, and we are working hard with the owner to accomplish this goal. To date, we have received the owners support as well, and hopefully we will see the restoration begin in the not too distant future! You can visit us online at:
and on Facebook at:
So, what has happened since February 18th Robert?
I thought we were all supporting each other on this(?)
I haven’t said a word against anyone – just asked for something substantive from the owner. Yet Mike Ward is portraying me as public enemy number 1 (carefully not naming me) and you’re agreeing with his, bordering on slanderous, comments and personal attacks on me (and on June Beck). You said you would email me back two months ago. you didn’t and now all FB links cut. Why?
Ebbitt has owned the cottage for nearly three decades, and he’s ALWAYS on the cusp of doing something. Unfortunately that something NEVER has anything to do with restoring White O’Morn. I’m tired of waiting on this fraud.
I began watching “The Quite Man” back in the 80’s while stationed in Germany
Every year on St. Patrick’s day soldiers would buy, borrow or rent the movie to watch. I latter found from my uncle, a Merchant Marine sailor, the same happened on-board ships around the world. A little peace of the home embedded deep in the soul.
. Now, twenty five years later it is a family tradition. Even with a change of faith to Mennonite, I find my neighbors watching this great film.
I was there in March with 3 of my daughters. We went on a Quiet Man Tour with a wonderful man named Paddy Rock. He took us to the cottage. What a great feeling to be at that site.But sad to see it in such bad shape. would love to be part of any restoring that miht happen. And I hope soon. Maureen would love to see that I’m sure.
I just finished reading Ms. O’Haras book “Tis Herself” It was so wonderful to read and loved the great advice in the end to enjoy life, and I really do. I just loved The Queit Man and my daughter grew up watching it many times and is so devoted to going to see the house. I am sorry it is in ruins, but hope it gets restored. How I loved the movie….such great acting and cinematography. Please let me know if it is ever restored!
June you are wonderful, what a great artical. It is my pleasure to help a bit with Paddy’s work. he is just a great guy with a great attitude!!! It would be a great dream come true for many Quiet Man fans to see the “humble cottage” “White O’Morn” restored… Lets hope and pray it can be done during Maureen’s lifetime… She is in her 90’s…. HAVE YOU SEEN HER!!!! SHE LOOKS 60!!!!! Just one word fits her…. “Class” and one sentence… “A wonderful heart” God bless her for all of her charity work. This is one project that truly deserves a good outcome..
Who can there be who doesn’t love Maureen O’Hara. She is not only an Irish national treasure but American’s as well. You go Maureen! I’m right behind you. You were great in every movie, but The Quiet Man was my favorite.
Has anyone thought about contacting the council in the area where the cottage is? They will make a fortune via tourism if this cottage was brought back to it’s former glory.
I was in the Irish Guards (A Regiment of Her Majesty’s Household Division) and I couldn’t begin to say how many time a group of us has sat around and watched this classic film, obviously with a wee drink or two, but the funny thing is, you never get tired of it.
Paddy, as on Belfast man to another, I sincerely wish you all the best with this project, I would love to see it back the way it should be. Thank you for caring
Thanks Steve.
We are still working on this.
The owner continues to ignore every offer of help – help that he has publicly asked for himslef). Have you checked out our Facebook page? https://www.facebook.com/quietmancottage
Best regards,
I was there in the late 1990’s. It is remote, hard to get into and
no parking. Has a truly ugly house to the left of the site and
the best blackberries, with nettles! I would love to see it
restored with minimal access.
Both links mentioned above concerning the White oMorn are dead. No more website, and no more Facebook page. What has happened since 2012 concerning restoring the home? The American owner must have hired lawyers and ended all the plans, am I right?
Please follow this link Meyer…
Please see his link Meyer…
The truth is unknown to this day. Apparently the property was bought with the intention of restoring it and then………………….?????? Nearly 30 years have gone by without a thing being done. Every now and then, when, personally attacked on the subject, the proprietor makes public statements on his intentions to start working on the project in a very near future. But this is probably just a strategy to shut people up and gain time untill all is forgotten. It has worked before and its working now. As far as I’m concerned, the only way to see WHITE O’MORN restored is to subtract it from its owner. Said solution though requires political will and probably the approval of some new laws.
Have been a disciple of the film for over 60 years, and would sure love to throw my sixpence worth of effort to supporting the purchase and restoration of this sacred site. In 1993, I took a flat stone from the wall ruins, had an Irish thatched cottage painted in oils on it, mounted on a mahogany base, and it takes pride of place on display in our living room. I still get a wee guilty feeling about taking the stone back then. Will never tire watching the film. Hats off to Paddy McCormick for his tenacity, and he’s not even a west of Ireland man.
Hi I am interested in finding out how to join save the Quiet Man Cottage group I remember watching this fantastic show about Ireland with my mom and dad and it has become event testing memory for me I just recently seen on YouTube video now time has taken a toll on this wonderful Cottage in the Fantastic memories although my mom and dad is no longer with me they had passed away from cancer but the memory or watching this movie brings back fantastic memories for me in a small boy at the time and would like to get involved into this magnificent and wonderful group please email me or message me to tell me how to join this fantastic group I think it is a wonderful thing to do I would appreciate this information very much thank you