Two new apps designed by New York and Ireland-based photographer and web designer Martin Sheerin stand to please trivia-loving GAA fans. Designed as timed 20-question speed rounds, the two trivia apps test knowledge of the past and present of Gaelic football and hurling. The apps, Gaelic Football Trivia Quizzard and Hurling Trivia Quizzard, took Martin, a native of Tyrone, a year of research, canvassing friends and studying stats, to compile a bank of 200 questions for each.
But this is not a straight-forward trivia game, with points taken away for wrong answers and passes in a race against the clock. The good news is that right answers are shown for any questions that are answered wrong, so conceivably, if you played long enough, you could be the best-prepared member of your pub quiz team when it comes to the GAA round.
The app is designed so that you can also share your scores on Facebook, Twitter, or email, and has a central Game Center, where you can see how you rank next to other trivia players. Sheerin envisions it as a conversation starter that sparks memories of old games, players, and rivalries. He calls it, “just a bit of fun.”
You can visit the website and download the app, which will work on any iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, right here:
Or, search in the AppStore for Gaelic Football Trivia Quizzard or Hurling Trivia Quizzard.
To contact Martin Sheerin or view his other photographic and digital work, visit his website at
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