In keeping with promises made at the second Global Irish Civic Forum held at Dublin Castle in May, Minister of the State for the Diaspora Ciarán Cannon (above) launched the Global Irish Diaspora Directory in September.
The directory contains publically-sourced details of Irish community welfare, culture, heritage, and networking groups and lists a total of 360 organizations, including all of those funded over the last half-decade by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s annual €11.59 ($13.66) million emigrant support programme. Also listed are the organizations represented at the first Global Irish Civic Forum in 2015, as well as its most recent counterpart.
“Ultimately, the purpose of this diaspora directory is to help Irish diaspora organizations improve their communications and collaboration with each other, and to assist people looking to reach out to Irish organizations abroad,” Cannon said in a statement, adding that he is “pleased to see such excellent representation from groups engaging in frontline welfare services as well as those who are working tirelessly to preserve our heritage and culture overseas.”
Electronic access to the directory is available via ♦
Ireland Launches Global Irish Diaspora Directory

Global Irish Directory Ciaran Cannon
Having read the above item, I cannot help but wonder if the government in Dublin recognizes Gaelgeoiri like me among their Irish Diaspora. During most of the 1980s, Conradh na Gaeilge Bhronx of which I was an active member held our Gaeilge lessons, meetings and céilis in a Presbyterian Church hall, having been refused permission to hold these events in the local R,C. church hall. During all that time, no official of the Dublin gov. ever attended any of our functions. I should also mention that our Conradh na Gaeilge branch was strictly NON-sectarian and NON-Partitionistist. One of our strong supporters in those days was a Methodist lady who later became my wife.