Just in time for Bloomsday, June 16th, actress/producer Aedin Moloney and her father, Paddy Moloney of The Chieftains, are releasing Reflections of Molly Bloom, a two-volume collaborative recording featuring Aedin Moloney’s renowned interpretation and performance of “Molly Bloom’s Soliloquy” from James Joyce’s Ulysses, complimented with music by Paddy.
A record release party will be held on June 16th at Ulysses Folk House in New York City from 1:30 – 5:30pm. Aedín will be performing sections of Molly’s soliloquy.

Aedín Moloney is the founder and producing artistic director of New York’s Fallen Angel Theatre Company, dedicated to works by Irish and British women writers. Her father, Paddy Moloney, founded the Cheiftans, with whom he has won six Grammy awards. In addition to Aedín and Paddy, the album also features renowned guest musicians like Carlos Nunes, Alth McCormack, Triona Marshal, Redmond O’Toole, Pancho Alvarez, and Xurxo Nunez.
The two-part album is available now on iTunes.
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