In the end, it came down to who wanted it more. By all accounts, that distinction went to Bronx native Frank Gallagher. In his attempt at last month's second annual "Win Your Own Pub in Ireland" contest, sponsored by Guinness, Gallagher, 65, turned up wearing a custom-made T-shirt bearing the name of the Bantry, County Cork pub which was up for grabs. While other contestants … [Read more...] about Hibernia: Gallagher’s Irish Pub
Method & Madness: Distiller Eva O’Doherty Discusses Irish Whiskey
IA Newsletter April 2, 2022
Irish America's Róisín Chapman talks to Distiller Eva O’Doherty, who works at a micro-distillery in Midleton, Co. Cork, where she oversees pot (whiskey) and gin distillation. The Meath native also manages fermentation, distillation, and maturation at the location. Eva, 24, began to notice the rising popularity of fermented drinks such as kombucha while studying food innovation … [Read more...] about Method & Madness: Distiller Eva O’Doherty Discusses Irish Whiskey
Hibernia: News
Dublin Second In Europe For Improving Air QualityDublin has been named the second most improved European capital in relation to air quality, according to findings from Uswitch. Air pollution in Dublin city has been reduced significantly between 2019-2021, with a 24.76 percent decrease in pollutants. Athens, Greece topped the list with a 34.85 percent decrease. Air pollution in … [Read more...] about Hibernia: News
News Roundup
IA Newsletter December 11, 2021
Storm Barra hits IrelandAs Covid restrictions increase across Europe, residents of the Emerald Isle found themselves staying at home for an entirely different reason. Storm Barra battered the UK and Ireland earlier this week, leaving 59,000 Irish homes without power. Originally hitting the south-west, Barra moved upwards, and the north-west of Ireland, as well as Scotland, saw … [Read more...] about News Roundup
Remembering Colorado’s Forgotten Irish
The Irish in Colorado are seeking to honor immigrants buried in unmarked graves.These were desperate, transient, uneducated, unskilled, and mostly young people. The poorest of these immigrants, without any resources or family were buried in the“Catholic” free section of the cemetery, with a crude wooden slab to mark their burial. The wooden slabs have long since rotted and … [Read more...] about Remembering Colorado’s Forgotten Irish